Traveling Daisy - Sydney Gavan

Meet Sydney Gavan
and her family

Want to help?

Free Online Bone Marrow Drive June 8th - June 22nd

go to to find a local bone marrow drive

See how easy it is to join the bone marrow donor registry!

Press Release


Please go to Oprah's website:
and fill out the form to plea for her to do a show on Leukemia and the importance
of Bone Marrow Registry.

Please forward this urgent request to everyone on your email list.


Dear Oprah,

Sydney Gavan has Biphenotypic Leukemia (Both AML & ALL types) which accounts for only 5% of all leukemias. She has undergone Chemo but her blast percentage has gone up to 10% so she is no longer in remission. Sydney needs to have a transplant and as of April 27th out of all 6 million registered donors NOT ONE is a match for her. This latest development is gut wrenching.

We need to spread the word to EVERYONE EVERYWHERE to please get on the National Bone Marrow Registry. Sydney has a couple of numbers that are hard to match and it is now more important than ever to get people tested and on the list.
Leukemia, a cancer of the bone marrow and blood, can affect anyone, as the cause of the disease is unknown. About 231,000 people have it in the United States with 44,000 new cases being diagnosed each year. Around half of these people will die of the disease, many because they won’t find a match for bone marrow transplant. The process of joining the registry is simple; a quick health questionnaire and a cheek swab is all it takes. Just log onto to find local bone marrow drives. Unfortunately, only a third of patients who require a bone marrow transplant will find a match.

Miley Cyrus sent Sydney an autographed photo and to see Sydney's face when she got it was amazing! She lit right up when she heard what Miley wrote on the picture. She turned and asked, "Mom, when I get better can I meet Hannah Montana for real?" Hannah Montana really has an impact on this little girl. She is Miley Cyrus’ biggest fan. It is truly amazing and it brings smiles to her face!

Grammy award winner Rapper Nelly’s sister Jacqueline Donahue died of leukemia after relapsing and needing a bone marrow transplant. Although she made serious efforts to raise awareness and get people to register for the bone marrow donation she never found a match that could have saved her life.

In fact, a lot of famous people including Ed Bradley from 60 minutes, Bruno Kirby from City Slickers, Bill Walsh who coached the 49’ers, and Louis B. Mayer who started MGM all died from the disease. Mary Travers from Peter, Paul and Mary, Actor Evan Handler and Opera singer Jose Carreras are all battling Leukemia.

Patrick Abdul and Dustin Nelson, football players for Wagner College are both scheduled to donate their bone marrow in an effort to save two little boys with Leukemia. "I'm doing it to save a life," said Abdul, "Somewhere down the road, if me or my (future) kids are in need, I hope we'll be taken care of." Read the article here:

Our plea to you Oprah is to air a show about Leukemia in an effort to get more people to join the registry to save a life. Your show can feature Miley Cyrus visiting Sydney Gavan in Michigan, Nelly talking about the importance of joining the registry, and you inspiring people to save a life. We need your help as soon as possible as it takes time to get donors information in the National Marrow Donor Registry and we need to find a match for little Sydney Gavan. We know everyone comes to you asking for help because everyone believes in your voice and vision in changing the world. A show like this will not only have an impact on this little girl and everyone who loves her but can change the way people look at bone marrow donation and will save lives in the future.

I am one of the many people who don’t know Sydney personally, but I heard her story and was so moved that I knew I had to do something to help this beautiful little girl.
I pray that she touches your heart as well and we can encourage the planet to take a little step towards helping others live another day.

All the friends and family of Sydney thanks you for taking time to read our plea.
Sincerely, Lisa Marie Wilson 818-636-9636

P.S. Some of Sydney Gavan’s press: